What rotation can’t cure

  • The violent rotation in equities is sparking hopes of a fundamentally-driven rally
  • It has been aided by record fund inflows and a spike in CB liquidity
  • But the details of both the flows and the liquidity leave us skeptical
  • Expect the rotation to continue, but not the rally

Flows & liquidity analytics

front page of flows & liquidity analytics
  • Up-to-date snapshot of the most important flows & liquidity metrics
  • CB liquidity vs multiple markets
  • Private vs central bank credit
  • Mutual fund+ETF flows
  • CB balance sheet details

Free clip: Who pulled the plug?

market has momentum webinar replay screenshot
  • Free clip from first ten minutes of 3 July webinar
  • Even as the rally continues, it does so on ever more fragile foundations
  • The problem lies neither with the economy, nor with central banks being slow to lower rates, nor even with politics
  • It is that the liquidity which fuelled markets in H1 looks increasingly likely to be turned off

Replay: Who pulled the plug?

market has momentum webinar replay screenshot
  • Full replay of 3 July webinar with Q&A
  • Even as the rally continues, it does so on ever more fragile foundations
  • The problem lies neither with the economy, nor with central banks being slow to lower rates, nor even with politics
  • It is that the liquidity which fuelled markets in H1 looks increasingly likely to be turned off
  • Open to clients with Group Webinar or One-on-One subscriptions, and to the press

Did someone pull the plug?

Did someone pull the plug presentation cover
  • Recent softness in risk is not just the fault of France
  • The underlying drivers of the rally have been faltering
  • The outlook for H2 just darkened considerably

When star stands for confusion

r-star down, return on capital up
  • Recent statements are a reminder of the importance of neutral rates for policymakers
  • But they also illustrate confusion – not only about the level of r*, but even as to what it is supposed to be measuring
  • At the heart of the confusion lies a failure to distinguish between the impact of balance sheet on markets, and of rates on the economy
  • This potentially leads to very different conclusions for r* and policy

Seven lessons from complexity

Under conventional economics, volatility shouldn't form clusters - but it does
  • Markets and economies should be analyzed as ‘complex systems’
  • Their fat tails and emergent behaviours fit poorly with traditional linear economics, but very well with complexity modelling techniques
  • Lessons from other complex arenas apply equally well to investing
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